A Free Spirit In A Healthy Body.
Anaïssa Ali is a dedicated writer and nutritionist, facilitating effective communication and promoting well-being.
Profit from Anaïssa Alis unique ability to translate emotions across languages, transforming ordinary content into extraordinary stories. Ready to elevate your project? Let her unmatched skills amplify your message and captivate a global audience.
About Anaïssa Ali
Born in Mayotte, an island in the Indian Ocean, Anaïssa Alis father's military career took her to France, and her chemistry studies to Germany, before she moved to Croatia with her son for the quality of life. She enjoys martial arts, good food and traveling.
The Passion For Writing
It is only in the last few years that she has discovered her passion for writing. She especially enjoys writing short stories and poems that reflect her personal experiences and the feelings they arouse in her.
She also has an affinity for foreign languages, which is why she can translate and write novels into French, German and English, collaborating with souls who have a story to tell and need the helping hand of a creative writing consultant like herself.
With her poems, she participated in an art exhibitions in Croatia, Brazil , Spain and Peru . She reached another milestone when one of her short stories, ASPIC, has been published by Indignor House, Inc in their annual anthology.
A Free Spirit In A Healthy Body.
Beyond the free spirit of her personality, she is also an advocate of healthy living, and as the founder of The Mindful Spoon a holistic nutritionist, her mission is to guide people on their journey to healthy eating habits.
In other words, a free spirit in a healthy body.